L-R - chester place, jermyn street, victoriaHAIR
L-R: hairspray by tresemme, ojon hair serum, lee stafford day after spray FACE
L-R: pure facial wash by Garnier, johnson's moisturiser, triple action lotion by Neutrogena...
just an additional, when i put pure lemon juice on my face it did me wonders! it really cleared up my skin and evened out my skin tonethere were loads more products that i wanted to include, but the list would have gone on and on, so i stuck to three
(four for face) for each category. I'll do a separate post for my make up favourite soon.
what have you loved using this year?
Hiya !! Something I have been loving using is pure honey on my face. I smear a generous amount of it all over my face, after having very gently exfoliated it (you should use the exfoliator that best suits your skin, after all, everyone has a certain skin type). I leave it on my face for about 30 minutes and when I rinse it out, I feel my skin much softer and moisturized. :)
ReplyDelete@CHERRIES IN SYRUP - i have heard of putting honey on the face as a mask before, but i'v never tried it. i'l give it a go though, thanks :)