What the website says:
CLEAN & CLEAR® Deep Cleansing Warming Scrub instantly warms the skin on contact with water and exfoliates to remove pore-clogging residue. The warming effect opens pores to help the scrub give a really deep down clean. Your skin is left deeply cleansed, feeling soft and smooth all day long
Exfoliating your skin not only removes dead cells that can clog pores but it also stimulates new cell growth. Exfoliating scrubs can help skin look and feel refreshed and are recommended when treating most skin conditions to achieve a deep-down clean.
What do i think?
when i first started using this product, i was really impressed and really felt that the warming effect helped to clear out my pores. i also noticed that after washing my face with this scrub, my face was left feeling soft and smooth. i was initially surprised by how much the product heats up and it really intrigued my because it's the first warming scrub I've ever used.

just because it hasn't worked perfectly for me, it doesn't mean that you will experience the same results. like i mentioned above, the initial results were great, so on that basic, i would still recommend this product if you wanted to give it a go.
Aww that sucks when you're loving a new product but it starts giving you breakouts! The same is happening to me, and I think it's because of the new Avon Winter Solution night cream I recently started to use. This might be the best night cream I've ever used, and this makes me angry -_-'